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Public Sector at Amberside Advisors

Public sector

We understand the challenge faced by stakeholders in the public sector for projects to deliver social impact alongside financial returns to investors.

Amberside Advisors has a long history of supporting public sector with their ambitious projects, across infrastructure, low carbon energy or other PFI/PPP initiatives. We understand public procurement regulations, budgeting constraints and the need to manage various stakeholders and their expectations.


We are able to bridge Local and Central Government’s objectives and Private sector’s expectations to commercialise projects that are in the best interest of all parties. Amberside Advisors is easily accessible with pre-agreed terms negotiated through various public sector frameworks (see bottom of the page).

over 65%

Public Sector icon at Amberside Advisors

of all PFI/PPP projects in the UK

Local Authorities projects at Amberside Advisors

Local authorities

Having worked on over 1,200 infrastructure projects, Amberside Advisors can support local authorities to deliver projects at speed and which meet all Green Book requirements. We’ve worked on multiple initiatives helping LA’s to reach their net zero objectives, connecting projects with the right investors to commercialise low carbon opportunities.

Our clients

"Amberside Advisors combined a highly professional and commercial approach ... with a creative flair. The team never failed to meet tight requirements and demonstrated their ability to anticipate.  Their friendly approach and willingness to go the extra mile, made it a pleasure to work with Amberside.”

Yvonne Thomas, MD, MoD supplier

Project examples

Amberside Advisors

Amberside Advisors secures appointment for Heat Network Zoning Framework

Amberside Advisors and Steer are pleased to announce the successful outcome of their bids for the Heat Network Zoning Framework from Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). We are proud to have been selected across three key areas of the framework, making significant step forward for our Energy Transition team.
Amberside Advisors

Assessment of infrastructure for Sunderland City Council’s development of IAMP

Amberside Advisors has been working with Sunderland City Council on their development of an International Advanced Manufacturing Park (IAMP) which is set to play a huge role in the area’s high-profile decarbonisation efforts.
Amberside Advisors

Retrofit of carbon capture technology for North London Waste Authority

Since 2021, Amberside Advisors has been acting as corporate finance advisor to the North London Waste Authority (NLWA) to help raise financing for its £1.2 billion heat and power project, which addresses the future waste disposal needs of seven London boroughs.
Meet the experts
Neil Rutledge, Director at Amberside Advisors

Neil Rutledge


Shivali Mathur, Associate Energy Transition, Amberside Advisors

Shivali Mathur

Associate, Energy Transition

James Derbyshire, Commercial Advisor at Amberside Advisors

James Derbyshire

Commercial Advisor

Jack Bedells, Commercial Advisor at Amberside Advisors

Jack Bedells

Commercial Advisor

List of UK public sectors frameworks to which Amberside Advisors is appointed



Services provided

  • CFS 2 is a pan-Government collaborative Framework Contract for the provision of market-leading commercial solutions and corporate finance services by the Crown Commercial Services.

  • The framework is used by UK Public Sector bodies, including but not limited to Central Government Bodies and their agencies, Non Departmental Public Bodies, Devolved Administrations, NHS Bodies and providers of Services to the NHS, Local Authorities, Police, Voluntary Sector, Charities, and/or other private organisations acting as managing agents or procuring on behalf of these Public Sector bodies.

Lot 1: Corporate finance advice, separate to any transaction execution

Lot 2: Advice on and execution of specific corporate transactions (typically referred to as M&A)

Lot 6: Specialist corporate finance advice in relation to the infrastructure sector

  • ESPO is a trading department of Leicestershire County Council.

  • It is a non-profit making body owned and operated jointly by six local authorities whose key objective is to help its member authorities achieve optimum value for money when buying goods and services.

Lot 1: Business Services

Lot 2d: General Finance

Lot 8h: Waste and Recycling

  • The framework has been established within the Greater London Authority’s Local Energy Accelerator (LEA) Programme, which is backed by the European Regional Development Fund.

  • It will provide £6m to increase the local provision of low carbon and renewable energy capacity through ultra-low carbon heat and power projects.

  • The programme will make a significant contribution to the Mayor of London's 2030 target of meeting 15% of London's energy consumption from clean, renewable, decentralised energy, as well as helping to develop integrated, clean, smart energy systems that use local and renewable energy resources.

Lot 2.1: Financial Business Cases/Plans for medium and large DE Projects, Financial models, Delivery Vehicles, ownership and funding structures

Lot 2.2: Commercial Support and Documentation For DE Projects

  • MCF3 is a multi-lot framework agreement available for use by UK public sector bodies and future successor organisations, which includes Central Government Departments and their arm’s length bodies and agencies, the wider public sector and third sector including, but not limited to, local government, health, education, police, fire and rescue, housing associations and charities.

Lot 4: Finance

Lot 8: Infrastructure including Transport

Lot 9: Environmental Sustainability and Socio-Economic Development

  • Ofwat's own Consultancy Framework, designed to allow access to expertise relating to the industry that we regulate, and beyond.

  • The Ofwat Consultancy Framework will be valid for 3 years plus one year extension option taking it to a maximum of 4 years and will start in June 2021.

Sub-Lot 3A: General Corporate Finance Issues

Sub-Lot 3B: Cost of Capital and Financeability

Sub-Lot 3I: Financial Modelling

BATS Business and Technical Services Marketplace

  • The Shared Services Alliance (SSA), as the NDA group’s collaborative procurement organisation, has launched two new routes to market to enable the Participating Entities (LLWR, DRS, DSRL, INS, NDA, NNL, Magnox, RWM and Sellafield) to access the extensive capability the supply chain has to offer in an efficient and effective way. These are:

    • the Engineering and Technology Solutions Marketplace for relevant products and associated services across four scope categories, recently launched by Sellafield; and

    • the Business and Technical Services Marketplace for professional services associated with supporting business delivery across 13 scope categories, led by LLWR.

Lot 1 Business

TVCA - North East and Yorkshire Net Zero Hub

  • Tees Valley Combined Authority and the NEY Net Zero Hub technical assistance framework including a range of complementary technical expertise to augment its existing capacity and provide enhanced support within and across its workstreams. Three key types of service provision are considered to be in scope for call-off from each Lot:

    • 1. Consultation and provision of independent technical advice/expertise around a specific matter or project on a time limited basis

    • 2. Delivery of a report, study or toolkit in response to a brief

    • 3. Delivery of training and upskilling activity on a 1-1 or 1-many basis, in a direct or online capacity.

Lot 4: Technical Support for specialist legal/procurement/financial services for net zero (including governance structures, contracts and tendering)


Lot 5: Technical Support for governance and assurance (including appraisal of applications and project proposals, due diligence and auditing)

NHS Consultancy and Advisory Services for Health

  • The Consultancy and Advisory Services for Health Framework Agreement has been designed to meet the needs of the healthcare sector by providing healthcare, corporate, social value and sustainability, IT, HR and property consultancy services.

Lot 6 - Finance and Procurement


Lot 9 - Social Value, Sustainability, and Carbon Neutrality


Lot 10 - Property

SNIB Due Diligence Framework

  • Scottish National Investment Bank (SNIB) framework involves carrying out due diligence on potential investments under consideration by the bank.

Lot 2 - Model Audit

UK Infrastructure Bank DPS/ National Wealth Fund

  • The UK Infrastructure Bank is the UK government-owned policy bank, focused on increasing infrastructure investment across the United Kingdom, by partnering with the private sector and local government to deliver net zero and drive growth across the country. The DPS has an anticipated two-year lifetime, and its main purpose is to provide the UK Infrastructure Bank with access to expert advice on complex technical high value transactions. This advice may cover matters including the investment into companies relating to green transport, critical minerals, clean energy and grid, water waste, carbon capture and storage, battery storage and giga-factories and digital infrastructure, amongst other sectors.

Service categories:


  • Financial Due Diligence,

  • Financial Advisory,

  • Valuation Work,

  • Model Audit,

  • Electric Vehicle Infrastructure / Technical advice

  • Electric Vehicle Infrastructure / Market and Commercial Due Diligence

  • Heat Networks / Market and Commercial Due Diligence

DESNZ Heat Network Zoning Framework

  • Heat network zoning aims to fundamentally transform the development of heat networks in towns and cities across England. This procurement was designed to establish a consultant framework to support DESNZ with the rollout of the national heat network zoning policy planned to come into force in 2025.

Lot 1 - National Zoning Methodology


Lot 2.3 - Commercial Support


Lot 2.4 - Financial Support

Bloom Procurement Platform

  • Bloom marketplace for professional services expertly connects Buyers and Suppliers across the UK’s public sector. Our approach seamlessly matches the requirements of both, offering the public sector a rapid, compliant, and cost-effective route to market for professional services. Bloom is the delivery partner for Lot 2 of The Countess of Chester Hospital’s (COCH) National Framework and an exclusive partner to the North East Procurement Organisation (NEPO) for the nationwide delivery of their NEPRO3 framework.

Registered supplier

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